What I get from all the stories “The Allegory of the Cave," The Truman Show, The Matrix, and the Meatrix have in common is the searching for the truth.
I want to start with the story of “The Allegory of the Cave” when Glaucon is realizing, that the world he lives in is not right. He knew in his heart that their was more out of life, then in that cave he was living in, with the rest of those other people, even when people around him did not want to believe him, or willing to give him a chance to listen to Glaucon. Glaucon did not quit he found out the truth, that there is more to life then in that cave and never looked back. “The Truman Show”. After Truman got older and wanted to explore, the world and do things differently from his regular life, their was always an obstacle, Truman realize something was up and kept being persistent, and in the end Truman found out the truth. “The Matrix” a world that Neo deep down in his heart knew something was wrong, then one day Neo met a man by the name of Morpheus, who gave him the choice to choose between the red or blue pill, to find out the truth about his world. And Neo decided the blue pill that showed him the truth, which was hard to swallow at first, but in the end the truth set Neo free. “The Meatrix” even though the story line is based on the food industry, there is some truth searching. People are not really aware of how their food is being made; most people are not familiar with process food. And in the Meatrix the story explains how factory farms, treat their animals, the animals are not properly being taken care of. And it is up to us as a people, to push out the truth about how animals are being mistreated, because if their not being taken care of, and we end up eating them, that will only end up hurting us in the long run, and only with truth we can be all be right.
The Task in my blog series has been getting better in my eyes, I know I still need work, in a little bit of everything but the more I practice the easier it gets. Especially when I do the group class work with my classmates, I always learn something because other people pick up things differently. And when we give comments to other students blogs, it is something that has really helped me, because you are looking for the mistakes, and that teaches me to better myself in writing, because I can see my mistakes more faster then before, and looking for the wrong part in blogs just helps my writing a lot more. Cat #3 was a bit more tougher, but with all this practice it has helped me. Hopefully by the end of this semester, I would be a better writer then I am today.
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