Monday, November 21, 2011

Revise focusing on the weakest category. Post as Blog Entry 19: CAT3.

  In the article “Let Them Eat Fat” by Greg Critser, talks about how fast food companies has become the main meal for most American kids, especially in the poor inner-city communities , and the fast-food companies have gotten more aggressive in doing so.

  It is sad but true, the fast-food industry has gotten all time high, and the poorest communities are the ones that make them rich. The reality is, this generation finds it easy to go stop by a Mc Donalds or a Burger King, then to go home and make yourself a meal especially kids who have parents who have jobs. By the time they get home they are too tired to start cooking. And this has become a pattern that has gotten more and more common in poor inner-cities. In Greg Critser research, he talks about how when you get a supersize cup of soda, that is 42 fluid ounces versus 16, with free refills which makes it to be a lot of sugar. Greg Critser also talks about how the total caloric content of a meal has been jacked up from 680 calories to more 1,340 calories and that is more than half of a teenager’s recommended daily caloric consumption.
   From my personal experience growing up, it was not easy so I can understand what poor inner-cities go through into having to eat something so unhealthy for us. But people have to eat and they want something that taste good and gets ready fast, and that was me until one day I found out I have diabetes. After that I got educated and realized that if I want to stay healthy I have to change the way I eat. Don’t get me wrong once in a blue moon I get my urges and I would have me a chicken nugget, but never how I use to. So I believe the most important thing is to get educated and realized that although it taste good, the stuff being put in your body is not. So before it becomes too late with complication like diabetes, obesity or any other problems it is important to know what you eat.
The consumption of fast food restaurant is growing and it does not look like is slowing down so people need to know what they want, stay healthy or have complications later on.

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